We voice your share.






Tensions? Diverse perspectives? A lack of information or trust? With a long history in advocacy, we possess the necessary experience to resolve conflicts between shareholders or board members.

Corporate governance underpins what we believe in: choosing the right structure for your company in which transparent communication prevails and roles are respected in order to work together in trust.

Whether it concerns a valuation of your shares or your company, cash flow planning or financial analysis, at deminor NXT we make sure your numbers add up. We transform your strategic vision into a comprehensive financial business plan.

Deminor NXT manages transactions in an orderly manner thanks to the combined legal, tax and financial expertise of an experienced M&A team. Whether the subject covers an acquisition, family succession, exit, capital increase or even another form of financing, we always strive for an objective valuation, where value maximisation and solid agreements serve as the foundation.

What is next? We listen to your questions or needs around your personal wealth and guide you through the next steps. As your companion down the road , we provide you with a tailor-made structure.

Preparation of family charter & shareholders' agreement

Deminor NXT > Services > Governance > Preparation of family charter & shareholders' agreement

Every company needs a clear vision and strategy. The same goes for the owners. With a family charter or shareholder agreement, the vision and operations of the company are laid down for a sufficiently long period. You put an end to past conflicts and anticipate disputes and ambiguities in the future.


Deminor NXT helps you to define the corporate vision and clearly define the internal relations and control structures within the (family) company. This ensures that the involvement of shareholders (including non-active ones) is increased. Each party also knows what the rules of the game are for now and the future. Moreover, we reconcile the different interests in order to ensure the continuity of the company.

Questions you may be asking yourself

How do I draw up a family charter or shareholders' agreement?
How can I involve future generations now?
How do I record successions and transfers?
How do I deal with multiple generations or shareholders who do not work in the company?

In consultation with all parties involved, we establish agreements on the relations of the authority and the ins and outs of the company. In family businesses, these agreements are usually defined in the form of a family charter between the (current and future) family shareholders. Thanks to these written down and formalised rules, all shareholders are on the same page. The agreements are confidential and focused on the concrete context of the (family) business, in contrast to the articles of association of the company.

Common issues and questions

A family charter or shareholders’ agreement can contain the most diverse topics. To tackle these topics thoroughly, we work with a checklist that contains common questions and can serve as a starting point:

  1. 1. The shared vision about the company and shareholder relations

    1. What is the shared vision of the company objectives?
    2. What values applying the company?
    3. How are the relations between the owners and the company regulated??
    4. What are the rules on shareholder’s recruitments?
  2. 2. The organisation of the board
    1. Who can become a director?
    2. As a shareholder, do you have the right to appoint a director?
    3. Are all decisions taken by simple majority or by unanimity?
    4. Do you first submit certain decisions to the shareholders or do the directors have all the (operational) power?
  3. The transfer of shares
    1. What do you do if a shareholder wants to sell his shares? Can that just be given to anyone or will the shares remain with the current shareholders/within the family?
    2. What do you do with the shares when a shareholder suffers a long-term illness or dies?
    3. How do you value shares? Does it differ depending on the specific situation?
  4. The profit distribution
    1. Do you reinvest the profit or do you distribute a certain percentage to the shareholders?
    2. Based on what parameters do you determine the dividend policy?
  5. Dealing with conflict
    1. What happens when a thorough discussion or dispute arises among the directors or shareholders?
    2. How do you respond to a 50/50 share ratio? Does that approach also apply to two family members or family branches?
    3. What do you do in case of a tie vote within the governing body?

Our approach

Step 1

We analyse the current structure and bodies, written and oral agreements, and habits within the company or family business.

Step 2

We draw up a checklist on the topics to be discussed.

Step 3

We conduct individual and/or collective discussions with the (family) shareholders.

Step 4

We mediate until we reach consensus in all areas.

Step 5

We draw up the shareholder agreement or family charter and have it signed by all parties.

Get in touch

Do not hesitate to send us a message: we are happy to listen to your questions and will do our utmost to answer it quickly and comprehensively. You can also choose to visit us in person in Brussels, Ghent or Antwerp. If necessary, we will put you in touch with the right experts.