The main pitfalls in a management buyout/-in
A management buyout (MBO) or management buy-in (MBI) is a common strategy for acquiring companies, with a strong focus on continuity and value creation.
Debate evening deminor NXT - Planet Group Arena Ghent
Conflict in the board room. From trench warfare to constructive dialogue.
Understanding Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC): Key Insights for Businesses
The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is a critical metric for businesses seeking financing, whether through equity from investors or debt from banking institutions. It reflects the cost to the company of obtaining these funds.
Power of management and power of representation in Belgian company law: watch out for confusion!
Governance and representation are two key concepts in the context of corporate governance. In practice, however, it is often found that the delineation of these concepts is not always clear to the actors involved in the economic world.
Neutralisation suspect period in case of indirect gifts
Since the abolition of the “cheese route”, a way to donate movable property directly and without gift tax via a Dutch notary, indirect donations are increasingly in the picture as alternative planning techniques.
ESG in Belgian SMEs: an effort that will pay off
Small and medium-sized enterprises are also feeling the impact of the increasing importance of sustainable business. ESG topics are moving up the agenda at more and more companies.
The season of general meetings is open!
Have your agenda ready: the season of general meetings has kicked off! In Belgium, a crucial moment for companies and their shareholders.
Fundraising for startups
For startups, fundraising is often a critical milestone on the journey to success. However, with the right approach and preparation, startups can increase their chances of securing the funding they need to thrive.
An exit transaction of a (minority) shareholder.
Without proper preparation and thoughtful roadmap, there will be no exit under the best conditions.
Succession in your company
For entrepreneurs who still need to make changes to their articles of association before the end of 2023, it is recommended to think about a succession scenario in case they become (temporarily) incapacitated or go missing, in addition to the mostly purely terminological changes.
Debate evening deminor NXT - Ghelamco Arena Ghent
Transactions between shareholders. The art of value creation.
Don't be an outsider on 1 January 2024!
If your company is not among the 37.6% of companies (figures as at 30/06/2023) that have already aligned their articles of association with the CCA, it’s imperative to take prompt action! The deadline of 31/12/2023 is approaching fast!
Survey on (startup) valuation methods
In a first-of-its-kind collaboration, dups (deminor for sstartups) and BeAngels are teaming up for a survey on startup valuation.
What WACC for my startup?
The “Weighted Average Cost of Capital” (WACC) refers to the cost to a company of obtaining financing both from investors in the form of equity, and from banking institutions in the form of debt or other banking instruments (e.g. bonds).
Debate evening deminor NXT Brussels: 12 October 2023
Cession of a participation. Is the discount a taboo or a reality?
Jan Baptist Cooreman becomes partner in deminor NXT
The partners of deminor NXT are pleased to announce that Jan Baptist Cooreman (36) has become a partner of Deminor nv.
Avoid conflicts between shareholders
5 things to keep in mind when entering into a partnership
The purchase of own shares as an exit mechanism
Maintaining a steady ownership base is frequently viewed as a significant element contributing to a company’s success.
Relationships between co-founders: how to set the foundation for future growth?
Starting a company is an exciting and challenging journey that can bring co-founders together as they work towards a common goal. However, it can also be a stressful and demanding experience that can lead to conflicts and tensions between them.
Family firms and private equity: a match or mismatch?
Family-owned businesses have unique characteristics that distinguish them from traditional non-family-owned firms, mainly prioritizing their long-term preservation for future generations.
The advisory board: best practices for composition, operation & organisation
Every business and independent entrepreneur needs an external soundboard and experience-based advice when making important decisions, detecting opportunities and defining strategy.
Subin & – Conference on family governance
Pierre Nothomb, Chairman and Jean-François Cats, Advisory Board member, Deminor SA participated in a conference organized by Subin & Partners in Slovakia on 17 February 2023 for its its clients, representatives of family businesses.
Biscuiterie Dandoy has completed a leverage buyout
The 7th generation shareholders of Biscuiterie Dandoy completed a leveraged buyout allowing the family to remain in control of the company.
The benefits of a private equity transaction
At the Deminor event, last 15 December, at the Ghelamco Arena, colleague Wim Van der Meiren gave a presentation on the benefits of a private equity transaction.
Deminor debate evening: 15 December 2022 – Ghelamco Arena
Entrepreneurs vs. investors: a match made in heaven?
Restrictions on the transfer of shares: between contractual freedom and mandatory rules
Need for cash, transfer to the next family generation, a spontaneous offer, disagreement with a fellow shareholder?
Deminor continues its partnership with MIMA
Also this year, Deminor is continuing its charity partnership with MIMA.
Thibaut Claes becomes Executive Partner in Deminor
The partners of Deminor are pleased to announce that Thibaut Claes has become an active partner of Deminor S.A.