Tensions? Diverse perspectives? A lack of information or trust? With a long history in advocacy, we possess the necessary experience to resolve conflicts between shareholders or board members.
Corporate governance underpins what we believe in: choosing the right structure for your company in which transparent communication prevails and roles are respected in order to work together in trust.
Whether it concerns a valuation of your shares or your company, cash flow planning or financial analysis, at deminor NXT we make sure your numbers add up. We transform your strategic vision into a comprehensive financial business plan and help you with your investment decisions.
Deminor NXT manages transactions in an orderly manner thanks to the combined legal, tax and financial expertise of an experienced M&A team. Whether the subject covers an acquisition, family succession, exit, capital increase or even another form of financing, we always strive for an objective valuation, where value maximisation and solid agreements serve as the foundation.
What is next? We listen to your questions or needs around your personal wealth and guide you through the next steps. As your companion down the road , we provide you with a tailor-made structure.
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If your company is not among the 37.6% of companies (figures as at 30/06/2023) that have already aligned their articles of association with the CCA, it’s imperative to take prompt action! The deadline of 31/12/2023 is approaching fast!
In May 2019, the new Code on Companies and Associations (CCA) came into force with a threefold mission: enhanced flexibility, modernization and simplification of the legal framework that governs companies and associations.
For companies established after this date, compliance is straightforward as they have operated under the purview of the CCA since their inception. Companies incorporated prior to 1 May 2019 are subjected to the CCA since 1 January 2020.
Moreover, these companies are obliged by the legislator to align and harmonize their articles of association with the provisions of the CCA by December 31, 2023.
If they fail to do so, the members of the administrative body of the non-compliance company could be held personally liable for any damages suffered by the company or by third parties as a result of non-compliance with this obligation.
Taking into account the specific situation of your company, we can help you to determine whether a simple cosmetic update of your articles of association is sufficient (adaptation of the terminology, reference to the new provisions of the CCA, etc.) or whether a thorough revision of the articles of association may be worthwhile, or even necessary. To facilitate this assessment, you should consider the following factors:
There is a tendency to keep the changes to the strict legal minimum, leaving the notary to carry out a simple legal clean-up when a more complete overhaul of the articles of association would have been necessary.
The compulsory updating of your articles of association is not just a legal formality, but should represent a real opportunity to engage in in-depth reflection with your shareholders on the governance of your company, the delimitation of the role of each stakeholder and the sharing of power between the various bodies, the rules governing entry and exit at shareholder level, dividend policy, transfer to nextgen, valuation rules, rules concerning transparency and reporting of information from the administrative body to the shareholders, conflict resolution mechanisms, and much more.
Deminor NXT offers you comprehensive support in the process of updating your articles of association in line with the CCA and/or a more complete overhaul of the rules governing the organization of your company at all levels.
Please do not hesitate to contact Johan Luntumbue for further information.
Deminor Litigation Funding
Deminor Litigation Funding helps companies and investors monetise their legal claims. With offices in Brussels, Hamburg, Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, New York and Stockholm, Deminor has funded cases in 21 jurisdictions, achieving positive recoveries for clients in more than 80% of the cases it has funded. It is widely considered as one of the leading litigation finance companies globally.
Dups, or deminor for start-ups, offers start-ups and scale-ups ‘triple play’ guidance as they raise capital. With dups’ experts, entrepreneurs can determine the value of their company, strengthen their business plan and negotiate the best possible deal on financial, legal and corporate governance issues.
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